Side Space

Asking price

AI-powered vertical tabs manager SaaS with $5,000 in TTM Revenue.

Side Space

Listed on

February 24, 2025


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Category: SaaS

Launched In: November 2023

Location: Hong Kong

Financial Information

TTM Revenue: $5,000

Avg. Monthly Revenue: $500/mo

Business Model: Lifetime Deals

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Asking Price Reason

Based on the the growing number of weekly active users, user satisfaction, and the market size of Chrome extensions. , we are asking for a 4x TTM revenue multiplier
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Tech Stack

Vue 3, Nuxt 3, Vercel, Supabase

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Target Audience

Enthusiasts passionate about improving their productivity and tools.

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Growth Opportunities

1. Focus on the SEO on the web
2. Acquiring targeted customers, such as the student demographic.
3. Advertising on short video media.

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Assets Included

- Complete platform codebase
- Active user base on 3000 users and 200+ customers
- Domain name
- Supabase database
- Current hosting infrastructure
- Customer data and analytics
- Landing Page

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Selling Reason

Became a dad, I have to take care about my famliy, and I am have a full-time job.

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Seller details

Robert Shaw
🖖 Indie maker/#Indiehacker, build micro products & share journey in public

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